How do you get yourself in the headspace to create?
I like to make sure my space is clean and the air is cleansed. I can’t work in a messy or smelly space. It's bad for channeling energy into my art. I think space is reflective of your state of mind and when I create, I want my head to be clear and full of energy that is positive because I consider what I do a form of magic. If I'm going to make magic, I want my mind, body, and spirit in alignment. Some people find that goofy, but picking up a paintbrush is a spiritual ritual every time.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
If we’re being literal, it’s usually the desire to shower because when I wake up, I’m so sweaty and sticky. I hate the feeling so much. My skin will literally stick to itself and it’s so gross to me.
But if we’re being figurative, it’s the desire and discipline to take care of myself and my business. Every morning, I go through my ritual of taking care of myself first. I hydrate, clean my apartment, take my vitamins, eat breakfast, make a latte, shower, all of it. And then once I’m done taking care of myself, I switch gears to take care of business. I make a to-do list and head to the studio (or run errands depending on the day) and I don’t stop until I’m done.